
O&K Print Watch – Database

O&K Print Watch can use MS SQL Server or Oracle as a database server. The installation package can automatically install MS SQL Server 2012 LocalDB or MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition. You cannot install this component if MS SQL Server or Oracle is already used in your network.

IMPORTANT: MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition and MS SQL Server 2012 LocalDB set a limit on database size: 10 GB. If you need to keep a larger volume of statistics, either use a full-fledged MS SQL Server or turn ON the automatic removal of old records from the database.

To view database connection parameters, select Tools → Database in the menu. A connection string looks like that:

"Provider=SQLOLEDB;User ID=prnwatch;Data Source=PRNSRV\PRNWATCH;Password=123456;Initial Catalog=PRNWATCH"